As you know, MNRS is the premiere regional nursing research organization committed to promoting, disseminating, and utilizing research conducted throughout the Midwest and beyond. Be a part of the 1,200+ nursing scholars and students who are committed to advancing not only their careers but also the profession of nursing research and implementation science. Your membership and active involvement are essential to the success of MNRS. We’re going places, and we want you to continue to be a part of this journey.
We’ve been listening! The newly created MNRS 3-year strategic plan reflects the needs of our members. We have many new programs that have been identified for development. We are excited to announce the following are coming to MNRS this fiscal year:
- Mid-Career Group & Activities
- Alumni Group & Activities – New Lower Price for our Alumni (formerly known as Retired)
- Deans Group & Activities
- Expanding our Nurse Practitioner Outreach
- Re-Launching our Mentoring Program
Membership is open to all individuals both within and outside the 13-state Midwest region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin.
The Midwestern states are shown in yellow:

MNRS "Members-Only" BENEFITS:
Research & Implementation Interest Groups (RIIGs)
- The hub for networking and research collaboration for MNRS members
- Yearly research awards
- Members receive one complimentary RIIG
- Members can join up to two additional RIIGs at the low price of $10 each
Western Journal of Nursing Research (WJNR)
- FREE online subscription and submissions to WJNR
- Eligibility to participate in WJNR reviews, commentaries, research papers, and submissions
MNRS Career Center
- Available to both job seekers and employers
- CLICK HERE to learn more about the Career Center today!
Other Amazing Benefits at Your Fingertips:
- Grant opportunities offered to nurse researchers (CLICK HERE to learn more)
- Full access to all past MNRS webinars (CLICK HERE to access webinar library)
- Reduced rates for the MNRS Annual Research Conference
- Ability to join an MNRS Committee or Workgroup
- Multiple formats and opportunities to present your research at the yearly conference
- Online membership directory to provide up-to-date member contact information
- Potential of election to an MNRS Office
- Access to the MNRS Matters Monthly Membership Newsletter
- Opportunities to network with nursing research professionals
- A chance to be nominated for any of MNRS’s prestigious honorific awards
The Midwest Nursing Research Society is always working to enhance your member experience and benefits! The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30 each year.
All MNRS individual membership options receive full voting privileges and access to newsletters and communications.
- Regular Member ($238)
- Alumni Member ($50) NEW Lower Pricing! (formerly known as Retired)
- Student Member ($116) Documentation required.
- Student Member Bundle ($116) NEW Category! Documentation required.
- Requires a 2-year committment, with 1st year $116 and 2nd year only $58 to be billed annually
- This is not retroactive! Only applies to new and renewing students
- International Member ($121) Non-USA Residents ONLY
Our institutional membership is a customized membership approach for institutions and partners that have an interest in nursing research and implementation. Our membership packages provide opportunities for year-round engagement and visibility!
With a new Mission and Vision in 2024, MNRS will continue to improve the quality of nursing research and practice for the next 40 years. Join us as a Partner on the journey!
Here are the updates I’d like to highlight for you:
- A dedicated email blast to the MNRS membership when you renew or sign up
- Institution’s name hyperlinked in every monthly MNRS Matters Newsletter
- A shout-out in the MNRS Matters Newsletter when you renew or sign up

- Ten (10) regular individual memberships with full member benefits
- A dedicated email blast to MNRS membership when you renew or sign up (NEW!)
- Logo hyperlinked on MNRS website home page
- Name hyperlinked in every monthly MNRS Matters Newsletter (NEW!)
- Choice of three (3) options from the Additional Benefits Menu
- Complimentary 10 x 10 exhibit booth at the MNRS Annual Conference
- One half-page advertisement in the MNRS Annual Conference Registration Brochure
- Logo on the back cover of the online MNRS Annual Conference Program Book
- Two (2) regular individual memberships with full member benefits
- Logo hyperlinked on MNRS website home page
- A shout-out in the MNRS Matters Newsletter when you renew or sign up (NEW!)
- Choice of one (1) option from the MNRS Additional Benefits menu
- One (1) MNRS Matters Newsletter Sponsorship, artwork with one (1) live link
- Complimentary tabletop exhibit space at the MNRS Annual Conference
- Logo on the back cover of the online MNRS Annual Conference Program Book