The Midwest Nursing Research Society relies on the generosity of the members serving as volunteers. It is only through this dedication of time and expertise that MNRS can meet its mission, "to generate knowledge, translate evidence into practice, and enhance careers."
MNRS would like to thank the many volunteers who make MNRS what it is today. It is greatly appreciated!
If you are interested in becoming a member of one of our committees, please complete the volunteer application with your committee interest, your CV and/or NIH Biosketch, and a brief paragraph noting any past experience serving on committees. Terms are 2 years and run April 1 through March 31.
The Board of Directors directs the association based on the overall mission of MNRS and updates and approves strategic plans, and develops and approves policies and procedures. The Board exercises fiduciary responsibility by ensuring that MNRS finances are properly managed and by approving responsible budgets, as well as, overseeing MNRS programs to assure that committee objectives are being achieved, approving committee chairs and committee chairs' recommendations for committee members and retaining professional management, legal counsel, and independent auditor. The Board conducts meetings that are open to all members to attend, except as otherwise announced. Additionally, the Directors assists during membership recruitment and retention, delegate the day-to-day management of the association to volunteer committees and staff, and adheres to the financial policies set forth under the General Finance section of the MNRS Policies and Procedures Manual.
This committee is responsible for interim supervision of routine matters that arise between board meetings, oversees the financial management of the association, develops short and long-term financial plans, reviews the preliminary budget, and makes the appropriate adjustments to reflect program priorities established by the Board in the strategic plan. The Executive Committee reviews the investment policy approved by the full board to ensure that it supports the financial goals of the association and makes recommendations for changes when necessary.
The role of this committee is to expand, nurture, and sustain a diverse and inclusive membership of scholars across the career lifespan. The group works to provide accessible and supportive services and facilitate a meaningful orientation to the society. The group is charged with promoting the representation of underrepresented populations, optimizing the member experience, and promoting member scientific diversity. All activities aim to increase the local, regional, national, and international membership of MNRS and its programs in the nursing community. New groups in development by this committee:
MNRS Alumni/Retirees Group (NEW) - Details Coming Soon
Deans, Associate Deans, & Directors Group (NEW) - Details Coming Soon
Mid-Career Group (NEW) - Details Coming Soon
The role of this committee is to develop programs to engage members throughout the nursing community by developing pathways for education, networking, leadership, and collaboration. The group is charged with making interactive and engaging activities for the membership that are career-spanning, offering year-round, relevant, and complementing the MNRS Annual Research Conference. They assist with the facilitation of the Research & Implementation Interest Groups (RIIGs), curate materials and policies for RIIG Leadership, and elevate RIIG activities. New programs in development by this committee.
Mentorship Program (NEW) - Details Coming Soon
Educational Program (NEW) - Details Coming Soon
The role of this committee is to enhance the dissemination of research findings to transform healthcare practices and improve population health equity. This group is charged with interactive engagement with educational, scientific, practice, and advocacy partners from other healthcare organizations. They focus on providing programs and activities for sharing new nursing knowledge with the healthcare community. The group promotes outreach to increase awareness and accessibility of MNRS as a model of nursing research excellence. New programs in development by this committee include:
Annual MNRS Town Halls (New)
Clinical Partner Educational Activities (New)
It is the responsibility of the committee to secure candidates for the ballot and present a slate of qualified, diverse candidates to the board for approval and to the membership for a vote. The committee members shall consider the specific discussions related to potential nominees to be confidential. Committee members are prohibited from disclosing potential and final nominees to the membership.
This committee is tasked with enhancing fiscal responsibility and increasing revenue streams to maintain and improve member benefits in support of the MNRS Mission. The committee reviews financial reports, budgets, and investment strategies and provides recommendations to the MNRS Board. The MNRS Treasurer will Chair the Committee and the Foundation Secretary/Treasurer will serve as Co-Chair. Other positions include the immediate Past-Treasurer of the MNRS Board of Directors, two Members-at-Large (2-year term, staggered) and ESN Student Representative (2-year term).
It is preferred that those applying for the Member-at-Large positions have previous financial experience (i.e. served on another Finance Committee or as Treasurer of another organization). The ESN Student Representative must be a member of the ESN Committee.
The Program Planning Committee develops the conference theme for approval by the Board of Directors, as well as the goals and related topics for keynote speakers. The committee reviews evaluations from previous years to identify strengths and address areas needing improvement and revises the evaluation process. The group structures and organizes the annual conference schedule. The Program Planning Committee will develop additional subcommittees as needed to complete the work of the PPC. Committee members are selected to represent the geographical area of the conference; various research areas; and must demonstrate a commitment to quality educational programs.
The MNRS Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) is a collaborative network of aspiring nursing scholars and leaders. ESN is an essential networking infrastructure that connects scholars at different levels of study and provides expanded opportunities for engagement and leadership within MNRS. The network represents members of MNRS who are students, post-doctoral fellows, or an early career professional within 3 years of graduation. ESN members serve on selected MNRS committees with the intent of better integrating these members into the organization. Check out the ESN webpage for more details!
The Student Poster Committee reviews student abstracts, establishes a cut-off for those posters to be reviewed on-site at the MNRS Annual Meeting, and participates in the on-site judging of student posters. The committee selects awardees for the annual BSN, MN/MSN, PhD, and DNP Poster Awards.
The Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing of nominations for all MNRS Honorific Awards and making recommendations to the Board of Directors for recipients of all awards. The committee evaluates existing awards, considers new awards, and sends proposals to the Board when needed. The Awards Committee and Reviewer Pool are composed of previous awardees. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please email the MNRS at info@mnrs.org.
Provides peer review of grant proposals submitted for MNRS sponsored and co-sponsored research grants. Reviewers are required to have an earned doctoral degree.
The WJNR Editorial Board will advise the Editor regarding the Journal, review submissions for the MNRS/Sage Best Paper Awards and select annual recipient(s). The Board will provide support to Sage Publications related to the involvement of MNRS in the publication of the WJNR.