
The focus of the Health Promoting Behaviors Across the Lifespan RIIG is to advance nursing knowledge of successful approaches to health promotion, disease prevention, and self-management in diverse populations. As part of the larger health care community, nursing scholars work to better understand the complexity of factors that contribute to health behavior.

We seek to promote discussion about the diverse types of health promoting behavior research conducted by MNRS members, and to provide avenues for collaboration, consultation, and dissemination.

Who Should Join?

Anyone with an interest in health promotion activities, especially among marginalized and vulnerable populations

RIIG Communication

Groupsite Community Networking Platform: https://mnrs.groupsite.com/


RIIG Newsletter/Email


Spring 2021 Newsletter
Fall 2020 Newsletter


Meet the RIIG Leadership


Frances Hardin-Fanning, PhD
Professor/Powers Endowed Chair of Nursing Research, University of Louisville 

Past Chair

Mei-Wei Chang, PhD, FAAN
Associate Professor, The Ohio State University 

Past Chair

Shanina Knighton, PhD, RN
KL2 Clinical Rsearch Scholar, Case Western Reserve University 

Grant Representative

Leeza Struwe, PhD, RN, MSN
Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Grant Representative

Sydney Buckland, PhD, ARNP, FNP-CRN
Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center

2021-2022 RIIG Award Winners

The Health Promoting Behaviors Across the Lifespan RIIG is proud to announce the following award opportunities to the RIIG membership:

Nominations are now closed and award recipients will be announced at the 2022 Annual Research Conference outside the Chicago area in Schaumburg, IL. If you have questions regarding the RIIG Awards, please be sure to email the RIIG Chair or contact the Executive Office at 615-432-0098 or info@mnrs.org

Annual Goals

  1. Increase networking opportunities among RIG members via newsletters and member directory posted at RIG website.
  2. Plan the RIG's competitive symposium for 2022 MNRS.
  3. Recognize member accomplishments through RIG awards.

Overall/Long Term Goals

  1. Increase research and scholarship collaboration among RIG members.
  2. Promote dissemination of cutting edge research on health promotion and disease prevention.
  3. Recognize excellent in health promotion scholarship at various stages of research careers.

RIIG Minutes/Meeting Summary

If you are interested in learning more about the Health Promoting Behaviors Across the Lifespan RIIG, please explore the minutes from the past meetings:

Health Promoting Behavior Across the Lifespan RIIG Minutes from the 2021 Annual Research Conference
Health Promoting Behavior Across the Lifespan RIIG Annual Report from the 2019 Annual Research Conference
Health Promoting Behavior Across the Lifespan RIIG Minutes from the 2018 Annual Research Conference

Health Promoting Behavior Across the Lifespan RIIG Minutes from the 2017 Annual Research Conference
Health Promoting Behavior Across the Lifespan RIIG Minutes from the 2016 Annual Research Conference