A paper presentation is an oral presentation reserved for completed projects for which results are reported as part of the presentation.

    • Each paper presentation will be a maximum of 12 minutes in length and will be followed by a brief question and answer period of approximately 3 minutes.
    • Only reports of completed projects that have not been published in a publicly available journal or have not been presented at a previous MNRS conference can be submitted.


Reports of completed research projects or research projects in progress may be presented as a poster.



Poster Discussion sessions are made up of 8 – 10 poster presentations on a similar topic.

    • The 90-minute session is divided into 30 minutes for general poster viewing and 60 minutes of discussion led by a moderator.
    • Each presenter is given a few minutes to present the key points of their poster and is asked a specific question or two by the moderator to begin the discussion.


A 20x20 presentation offers participants the opportunity to hear from several presenters on a specific topic.

    • Accepted 20x20 presentations will be grouped in a session with 5 other presentations to total 6 presenters per session.
    • Each presenter shares their information using 20 slides which AUTOMATICALLY advance every 20 seconds resulting in a fast and informative 6 minutes and 40 second-long presentation.
    • The individual presentations are followed by at least 10-15 minutes of group discussion facilitated by the group’s lead presenter.
    • The goal of this format is to create a greater opportunity for conversation and dialogue in the session.


Postcard Presentation sessions are made up of 5 – 10 presentations

    • Each presenter will have a single electronic slide to give a 5-minute presentation of the key points.
    • Presenters will be encouraged to print ~30-50 postcards or ½ sheet of paper for guests to include the title and presenter contact information.
    • Discussion at the end of the session will be led by a moderator.
    • This format is an excellent networking opportunity and opportunity to provide information on new methodology, recruitment methods, new/exciting research and implementation, or literature review findings.