2022 Pre-Conference Workshops

MNRS is proud to offer additional educational opportunities to the MNRS members and conference attendees.  We encourage you to explore adding pre-conference workshops to your conference experience.  Please note that two workshops will be held virtually in the weeks preceding the conference and one workshop will be held in-person on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.  Workshop participation whether virtual or in-person requires registration and an additional fee.



Half-Day Workshop:
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM Eastern

Patient Engagement in Research: Introduction to Application

Workshop Speakers:
Carol Geary, PhD (Chair),
Rachel Lessem, PhD (Presenter),
Cheryl Holmes, MPA (Presenter),

Katherine Abbott, PhD (Presenter),
Martina Roes, PhD (Presenter),
Carol Geary, PhD (Presenter)

Nursing as a profession has always considered the patient voice necessary to the provision of care. This mainstay has only been enhanced by the development of patient-centered care. Likewise, qualitative methods are common in nursing and help to infuse the patients' voices in knowledge development. However, patient engagement in research has not yet become the norm in nursing. As funders increasingly request evidence of patient engagement, this gap threatens to hamper funding of nursing research. This session is an introduction to patient engagement in research. Leaders in engagement from nursing and beyond will provide insight into the practice. For session participants, we will offer and opportunity to engage with patient(s) about their work. In this workshop, experienced engaged researchers use their projects with older adults (Rachel Lessem and Katherine Abbott), people living with dementia (Martina Roes), migratory agricultural workers (Cheryl Holmes), and rural persons (Carol Geary) to introduce engagement approaches. Experienced patient partners will also be available to consult with participants on their own research plans. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be prepared to apply learnings to the development of a patient engagement plan for their own research.




Half-Day Workshop:
Thursday, March 24, 2022
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern

Learning Design Thinking for Nursing Research and Teaching:
Innovating Nursing Practice and Science. Strengthen Your 'Innovation Muscles' to Study and Understand Stubborn Problems in Support of Science and Academic Objectives.

Workshop Speakers:
AkkeNeel Talsma, PhD, RN, FAAN (Chair),
Jeana Holt, PhD, DNP, APNP, FNP-BC (Presenter),
Murad Taani, PhD (Presenter)

Innovation has become a much-discussed topic in nursing, often in the context of exciting solutions and new approaches. We believe all nurses are innovators, but many nurses have yet to be trained in skills that support an innovative concept to validate a particular solution. Participants will engage in a Design Thinking sprint to apply their learnings to solving well-entrenched healthcare problems. We use insights gained for their research and integrate them into their educational and research programs.
Design Thinking uses specific methodologies and questioning strategies, reflecting a rigorous process recognized, part of the NSF I-Corps programs that may lead to proposal development suitable for funding through its SBIR/STTR and other NIH-supported programs. The pandemic has exposed nursing and healthcare challenges. Design Thinking provides a tool for researchers, faculty, and clinicians to understand the origins of these challenges and engage users in an iterative process to test and validate prototypes.


OBJECTIVE: The goals of this workshop are to

  1. introduce participants to Design Thinking and its potential applications to advance nursing and healthcare,
  2. share exemplars of integrating Design Thinking in studies, curricula, and as an introductory session for incoming students; and
  3. gain insights in using results from Design Thinking processes for NIH grant submissions.





Half-Day Workshop:
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM Central

Harvesting the best yield from research: Disseminating  scholarship beyond the peer-reviewed journal

Workshop Speakers:
Jill Peltzer, PhD, APRN-CNS (Chair),
Franklin Schaller, DNP (Presenter),
Maryellen Potts, PhD (Presenter)

The research to practice and policy gap delays innovation that can address critical global health issues. And despite rapid advances in technology that can increase the public’s understanding and knowledge in public health, we are facing incredible challenges in public trust with widespread disinformation found across social media platforms. Gaps in communication and translation of knowledge need to be closed to overcome these critical issues, in part due to the emphasis on scientific writing and the drive to publish in scientific and clinical journals with little consideration of writing for dissemination to policy makers and the lay public. Dissemination of scholarship beyond the peer-review journal provides opportunities to more rapidly change practice and policy to improve global health. As a trusted profession, we can educate the lay public providing credible and current research through social and other media platforms to counter disinformation that is harmful to individuals, families, and communities.

The workshop objectives are
1) Describe dissemination strategies for social media.
2) Practice written communication techniques to engage the lay audience.
3) Apply visual communication techniques to written material.