Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Midwest Nursing Research Society. Join us as we advance science, transform practice and enhance careers through a network of scholars. MNRS membership is open to all individuals both within and outside MNRS’ 13-state Midwest region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. MNRS offers an array of member benefits to enhance networking and career development.
Membership is based on an annual renewal. All membership will run from July 1 – June 30. Please note that MNRS does not pro-rate membership during the year.
MNRS Membership Levels
All MNRS membership levels offer full voting privileges, all newsletters and notices, subscription to the Western Journal of Nursing Research (WJNR), reduced prices for Annual Conference, and inclusion in searchable online Membership Directory.
The Midwest Nursing Research Society is always working to enhance your member experience and benefits! The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30 each year.
All MNRS individual membership options receive full voting privileges and access to newsletters and communications.
- Regular Member ($238)
- Alumni Member ($50) NEW Lower Pricing! (formerly known as Retired)
- Student Member ($116) Documentation required.
- Student Member Bundle ($116) NEW Category! Documentation required.
- Requires a 2-year committment, with 1st year $116 and 2nd year only $58 to be billed annually
- This is not retroactive! Only applies to new and renewing students
- International Member ($121) Non-USA Residents ONLY
Membership Category*
Required Documents
Students - Please Use the button below to upload proof of your student status as part of the membership application. Acceptable formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf. Browse to select the document from your computer's hard drive. Do not modify the path.
Primary Details
First Name*
Preferred Name
Middle Name
Last Name*
Degree *
Press Ctrl/Cmd key and click on each to select multiple.
Display Name*
Enter your full name as you would like it shown in communications from the Society.
Gender Identity*
Date of Birth*
Member Demographics
MNRS Membership offers 1 complimentary RIIG. An additional 2 are allowed at $10.00 each for the year.
Press Ctrl/Cmd key and click on each to select multiple.
Press Ctrl/Cmd key and click on each to select multiple.
Are you a first-generation college student?*
Professional Details
Contact Information
Street Address Line 1*
Street Address Line 2
Street Address Line 3
Web Address
Social Media Information
Please enter the Facebook Profile Name by visiting your profile page,
Example: 'https://www.facebook.com/UserProfileName'.
Please enter the LinkedIn Profile Link by visiting your profile page.
Please enter your Twitter handle name,
Example: 'https://www.twitter.com/TwitterHandleName'.
Please enter your Instagram username name,
Example: 'https://www.instagram.com/InstagramHandleName'.
Login Details
Login e-mail address*:
You will receive e-mail communications to your login e-mail address.
Password must be at least 6 characters long
Repeat Password*: